What Sets us Apart?

IDEAL4Gifted is a live, online community of learning and belonging for gifted & 2e children

We are a virtual gifted education program with academic subjects plus others especially good for gifted and 2e students Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, we alternate between exploring unusual places and Independent investigations based on student interests.
Teachers are always there. They facilitate, guide, and encourage student learning, inquiry, and autonomy

We have

Accommodations for highly able students and many special needs
Assignments are done during the day with Student Support Teacher
Attention to social & emotional needs
Creative, critical, and higher-order thinking
Independent Investigations
Leadership opportunities
Parent involvement
The safety and comfort of home
Time for fun and making friends

We don’t have

Busy work
Drill and repetition
Feeling alone
High stakes testing
Lots of homework
One size fits all lessons
Required conformity

Classes have

Acceleration by subject
Activities and projects have depth and complexity
Assessments are based on student mastery of content
Everything is student-focused
Grouping by student readiness
Lessons are taught to the student, not to the test
Real teachers with real students in real time all the time
Students’ interests, strengths, aptitudes, and personalities are included
Student products informing instruction
Teachers trained in Gifted Education