Criteria and Deadlines

Deadlines for applications
Admissions are generally done year by year but we have rolling admissions so parents may begin the process at any time and new students may begin at the second or in some cases it may be appropriate to enter at the beginning of the third trimester.

Admissions for the first trimester should be completed by the end of June, for the second trimester by the end of October, and for the third by the end of January.

Parents of potential students should be able to show evidence of the student being highly able in at least one academic area. The evidence should indicate that the student is at least one year above what is typical for their chronological age in at least one academic area.

The program is for advanced, gifted, and highly able students who make up the majority of our student body but twice-exceptional students are very welcome and make up a significant part of our student population.

We do have a part-time certified School Counselor to assist with some issues. We do a lot of differentiation by student, and we are as flexible and accommodating as we possibly can be, but we are not able to offer all direct special services a twice-exceptional student may need.

If there is a special need, parents must notify the Chief Academic Officer about the nature of the student’s special needs as soon as possible. We will then work with the parents to make arrangements to be as flexible as possible and to make the many accommodations that we can offer. We will also be transparent about those special needs that we cannot meet.

Some of those needs may be able to be handled with outside support provided by the parents, which would allow the student to function well in the program. However, some special needs are beyond the scope of our capacity and do not allow the student to be able to function in the program even with outside support. We are completely honest with families when we discover this through the admission process or later on during the school year. 

We do not require a certain IQ score but we do need evidence that our program will be a good fit for a potential student.

Students are placed in classes that are the best fit for their readiness and prior knowledge. Because of this, your child is likely to be in multi-age classes. Students progress through content by demonstrating their mastery of the subject matter as reflected in the quality of their work. We generally require a mastery of at least 80% to progress to the next content area or level.