Ms. Vicky Froelicher

Ms. Vicky Froelicher – Science, Social Studies, ELA, and Independent Investigations Teacher

Vicky Froelicher is an experienced educator who has traveled the US, teaching in eight different states.

With a degree in Psychology from Purdue University and a Master of Education in Elementary Education along with an endorsement in Gifted and Talented Education, she is excited to join a program dedicated to supporting gifted and twice-exceptional learners.

Ms. Froelicher began her career as a social worker specializing in individuals struggling with mental illness and developmental delays but found that her true calling was education. She has since worked as director of nationally accredited childcare centers, principal of a private elementary school, and a mentor for first-year faculty – all the while accumulating 25 years of experience working with children across the nation!

In addition to educating students professionally, Ms. Vicky enjoys gardening, bird watching, taking walks around Lake Geneva, Wisconsin where she currently resides, and cheering on her favorite football team. She is blessed to have six children and ten grandchildren. 

We are proud to have such an experienced professional on the IDEAL4Gifted team.