You make me feel special when you greet us every day, call on me, help me with my math equations, and make me laugh. The best thing you do is to give us all a chance and help us with such patience. I think it’s great because you’re always here to help and you make learning fun! O.S.
“I like participating in classes with you [teacher’s name] and I like being with you in the classes. That is the best part about my classes.” N.R.
Thank you for the countless hours, the endless encouragement, and the tireless efforts you give us every day to challenge our minds and nourish our souls every day! H.R.
Thank you for being such good scientists and letting me do sooooooooooooooo many cool experiments. I also loved Art and ELA classes. S.R.To my teachers: Thanks for your advice, your assistance, and your guidance. I love this school. I am having a better experience here than in public school. K.Y.
“I was just sitting and reflecting on our parent-teacher conference today and I wanted to share the thoughts that crossed through my mind.”
“I was reflecting on how helpful it has been for me, as a parent, to talk with you. I feel like I’m pretty good at encouraging my son to pursue his interests and help troubleshoot problems, but this year I’ve started feeling like I was struggling a little bit navigating it all. What do I do when he has projects that I know are beyond him? Do I discourage the exploration of topics? What about when he’s interested in stuff I know he can’t really understand yet or build himself?”
“But, during our admissions meeting before school started, where you listened to him explain his steam engine ideas, you just asked him useful questions and didn’t act surprised or discourage him from anything. Then today, you didn’t bat an eye when I shared that he’s wanting (and actively trying) to ferment things. He has been working most of today trying to figure out how to make posters to promote his coffee shop out of my house, and has several kids interested in helping him with orders now.”
“I think I’ve felt alone, as a parent, in being a great support for someone very motivated like he is, and maybe have felt unsure at times. But when you talk to him, I feel so understood and have a profound sense of thanks.”
“You seem to understand, and can see how his mind works, and even understand that he is a slow reader, but fast thinker, and I’m thankful for that too.”
“Having a place to share what it is like guiding these young minds and being understood is quite lovely. Parenting gifted kids is beautiful. exciting, and a lot. To be understood by somebody else feels a little like someone showing up with water and snacks and pointing the way, at just the right moment, while you’re running a marathon. I’m really glad I found you guys at this point in my run. So, thank you.” D.L.H.
“I truly don’t know how you do it but I am so grateful for your service through IDEAL4Gifted. Our family learned so much from you — your approach to teaching and learning, content knowledge, and deep respect for students and families. I’m especially grateful for the way you helped my children develop as learners, community members, and people who are loved just the way they are. I wish you continued success and I look forward to working together as our journey continues.” S.L.
“We enrolled our son full-time in the program a few weeks into the school year. We knew from the first week that we had finally found the gifted family and community we’d been looking for for so long. Our son very quickly got into a good routine and loved attending all the classes. He was challenged at just the right level, by the amazing teachers who understand so well how to keep these unique kids engaged, but not over or underwhelmed. He grew on so many levels this year, and it was heartwarming as his parent to see him shine and be accepted for who he is by everyone in the IDEAL4Gifted community. We are very grateful to be a part of the IDEAL4Gifted family and are excited for next year.” B.A.
“The program was perfect for my 5-year-old. The teachers are wonderful. My daughter was able to interact with same-age peers as well as older students in certain classes. She developed a strong sense of community within the program. She was challenged academically and grew socially. She was exposed to exciting projects like independent investigations and presenting to a large group. It was incredible to see several young kids develop such confidence. I am thrilled with our experience and highly recommend the program.” P.T.
“We joined the IDEAL4Gifted family in the Spring when my oldest daughter would have been finishing up her traditional kindergarten year. We’d reached a limit of where homeschooling could get us and I knew a community of learners would be a bigger asset than only what I could bring to the table. IDEAL4Gifted was the perfect step. Not only are the classes perfectly sized and paced, and the teachers are fantastic, and the students are too. Even though I only enrolled my daughter in 2 classes, for that session, we felt like whole members of the community from the first. I’d worried that, at 5-turning-6, my daughter would have a hard time developing relationships with her classmates or staying engaged in daily lessons, but that wasn’t the case at all. She made friends, internalized lessons, remembered her homework, and learned to navigate online learning better than I’d hoped. We’re ready to take on the school year full-time next year, and I know she’s ready to be even more independent, challenged, and delighted on a daily basis.” V.F.