What is gifted? Giftedness is often understood as the intersection of creativity, above-average ability, and task commitment when working in an area of interest. It can be latent, emergent, or manifest. Its degree of manifestation is affected by the individual’s environment and chance. Therefore, it is noticeable in certain people, at certain times, and under certain circumstances. (paraphrased from the work of J.S. Renzulli et al.)
What is 2e or Twice-exceptional? 2e is short for twice-exceptional. Twice exceptional is when a person is both gifted and has a learning difference as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act.
How is gifted education different? When done well, gifted education includes acceleration by subject per student readiness, interest-based problem-solving projects that create real products, exploration of a broad range of experiences, opportunities to learn ethical leadership, and activities that help these students deal with the unique social and emotional issues that often accompany giftedness.
Can gifted students have learning disabilities, or differences, or be neuro-atypical? Yes. This is usually referred to as twice exceptional or 2e. However, not all neuro-atypicality is a “special need.”
What is an autonomous learner? An autonomous learner is a person who can figure out a solution to a question or problem without asking an adult for help. They learn to follow instructions, research questions, solve problems and participate in discussions, and know where and how to get help when it is truly needed. This is a very important skill when they venture out into educational settings other than ours.
What is gifted education? It is an education system set up by a program, company, school, or school district that is somewhat different from what most students’ learning program includes. Some are full-time but most are only a short period of time one day a week and pull students out of regular classes. Programs may also include a subject or grade-level acceleration. In regular classes, it should include lessons that have all students working at their zone of proximal development which in the case of gifted students needs to include greater depth and complexity than the mainstream curriculum has and should also include acceleration to the student’s level of readiness, and projects that solve real-world problems.
Is gifted education federally mandated in the USA? No. It is neither federally required nor funded. It is left to each state and local school district.
Is IDEAL4Gifted a religious school? No. IDEAL4Gifted is not a religious educational program, though the study of history and civilizations may include some information about a culture’s beliefs.
At a time when gifted education faces challenges, Ideal equips students with skills that cannot be automated. Your donation helps to support children who learn differently, while also investing in their educators and community. Let's make a difference together! Please make your most generous gift today💙